No more, please. No more.

One by one
Or five by five, they fall.
Another shooting.
Real people. Real people dying, real people killing.
It’s not pretend.
It’s not a video game.
It’s not a reality show.
It’s real. They are real.
Real people with real problems
Who chose an unreal way of dealing with them.
Solve? Not.
Writers didn’t create these characters.
Society did.
And society can stop them.

But how? And when?
Until then, we mourn.
Weston, Wisconsin.
Virginia Tech.
Crandon, Wisconsin.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Kirkwood, Missouri.
And more.
Until the madness stops.

Six Word Stories

Six words. I found the idea through a link at Autismvox. Kristina shared the Smith site with its Six Word Stories and created one of her own. These Six Word Stories remind me of Haiku or Lune poems in their clarity and directness, although they’re even shorter. Sometimes, a picture is worth exactly six words.

Small bunny, big love, our Peanut.

Shy bunny, but sweet, our Sadie.

Big bunny, spotted cowlike, that’s Buttercup!

Winter Storm

Snow layers on the trees
The proverbial blanket of white
Too pretty to feel cold
Takes the shape of all it covers.

Stillness, early sunset comes
All muffled by the still-falling snowflakes
Not too windy, instead,
The kind of falling snow that
Holiday parade officials wish would fall as Santa arrives.

But not Christmas, now, despite the colorful lights
Still visible in families’ windows and yards
Just a lovely steady snowfall
Coating the houses, the porches, the trees,
And sending small animals into

Friday haiku

Sweet bunny still young
Died under anesthesia
Earlier today.

La Petite brought home a new little one a little while after Tiny died. She named him Darwin, and introduced him to Sadie and Peanut. They got along famously. She brought him in to be neutered today, and his heart stopped during the surgery. I’ll share some happy Darwin pictures later on. He was a sweetie, a very loving little furry friend.

Here’s a link to one of La Petite’s photo albums. There are several pix of Darwin.

Recipe for Another Successful School Year

a co-op poem created by sixth grade students during their first week of school

Start with one gingerbread school with a chocolate bar roof.
Add gingerbread teachers.
Put in desks, chairs, and sugar cookie books.
Spray with sticky notes, cinnamon rolls, and caramel lunch money.
Slice and dice with scissors.
Mix the books with folders and cooks.
Drop in a couple of gym shoes.
Sprinkle with school supplies.
Deep fry all ingredients.

Spread some eagerness.

Place gingerbread kiddos in desks.
Fill the backpacks with goodies.
Frost with glue and chocolate chip cookies.

Serve with friends.

Recipe for a Successful School Year

a co-op poem created by sixth grade students during their first week of school

First, place nice teachers in a bowl.
Add well-behaved students.
Fill desks with pencils, markers, scissors, colored pencils, paper, and folders.
Add a couple brains and a Tablespoon of friendship. Add some kindness.
Combine with math facts.
Stir into full desk.
Bake for a year. Take out of oven.
Cut into 30 pieces. Sprinkle with focus.
Serve to 30 people and

A Very Special Author

When we were young
And could pick up a book,
A man with a gift
Made us all take a look

At a cat with a mission,
A feline with style,
Dressed up in a hat
With a hint of beguile.

The cat made us smile,
The Grinch brought a tear.
While the Whos down in Whoville
Inspired a cheer.

Those red fish and blue fish
Or green eggs and ham
The Star Bellied Sneetches
And that Sam-I-Am

The poor little boy
Wearing five hundred hats
Got caught in the oobleck
That fell and went splat.

His stories had morals,
Were strong with conviction,
Even though written
As young readers’ fiction.

A clear point of view,
The compassion he saw,
Like”…a person’s a person,
No matter how small.”

The elephant Horton
Who said what he meant,
That he could be faithful,
One hundred percent.

And think of the Lorax,
The one who said, “Please,
Oh, Please stop destroying
Tha Truffula Trees!”

His creatures were special,
Both comic and tragic,
Some small and some large,
With an aura of magic.

Think of the characters,
Ageless and timeless,
And how he could make
Something rhyme that seemed rhymeless!

The point of my story,
I’m sure you have reckoned,
Someone quite special
Was born on March second.

Creator of Yertle,
And Thidwick the Moose,
A talent unequaled:
The dear Dr. Seuss.

Free Fall

A ribbon in the wind
The lace curtains blow
Serene in their motion
The waves softly flow.

Dancing so slightly
The cool ocean breeze
Gently caresses
The leaves on the trees.

Pale purple dreams
With shades of cool blue
I’m drifting, free falling
But safely — with you.

Happy Valentine’s Day, dear.

Countdown – or – Drink a Toast to Life

Contemplation of a New Year
Fill in the blanks.

Five Significant Memories: Look back

Four predictable events to come: Look forward

Three Highlights of the Year that’s Ending: Reminisce

Two Good Habits to Continue and Enjoy: Look ahead while looking back.

One — just one!
One Goal for the year to come

Think it over.
Declare the goal real. Relevant. Possible.
Now drink a toast,
Whether champagne or grape juice
Promise yourself it’ll happen.
Then make it so.

The New Alert System

Dear, please replenish the woodpile
For the fireplace
While I shop for
Bottled water, analgesics, thermometers,
Batteries for the flashlights and radios,
And emergency rations, enough to last six weeks or more.

Viruses are everywhere, and
Quarantine is inevitable.

Wait. Stop.
What’s this knee-jerk reaction?
Tuition money spent on freeze-dried whatnots?
Closets packed with canned food,
Over-the-counter meds,
And cases of bottled water?

Shop, yes. And replenish the woodpile, too.
But I’ll buy a bottle of wine
A sweet CD
Cheese and crackers.
Not stockpiles of panic.
We’ll cozy up by the fireplace,
In our favorite blankets and quilts,
To enjoy each other,
And take care of our family.

We’ll continue living our lives,
Resisting the propaganda.
Common sense, love and caring,
And family
Make survival